Game one is named Point Blank or PB, this game is popular in Indonesia. Is an online game system using a server provided by gemscool. Here we will have serbuah characters that have a low rank at the start. If later we often win will get the extra point and will raise our rank. The higher the rank of the character we’re getting great, better than a good gun and shot accuracy. Point Blank is a genre of computer games were played online FPS. The game was developed by Zepetto from South Korea and published by NCSoft. Besides South Korea, this game has its own server in Thailand, Russia, and Indonesia. In Indonesia, the game is managed by PT. Kreon. Point Blank is about the feud between the Free Rebels and the government in this case Counter Terrorist Force (CT-Force).
Origins of this dispute is the increasing number of immigrants who did not get a job and expelled from the community. So to survive, the immigrants perform a variety of criminal acts, such as: robbery to drug trafficking. Over time this activity is increasingly organized to form an organization called Free Rebels. Due to conflicts with immigrants increasingly widespread, the government set up an organization to monitor, supervise and look for the existence of terrorists called Free Rebels. This organization is called Counter Terrorist Force (CT-Force).

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15 komentar:
thanks udah follow..
salam blogger
@belajar berbagi: thanks dah berkunjung gan :D
salam blogger.
manteb sob jangan lupa mampir ke blog ane
ijin sedot gan mampir ke blog ane
gan screen shoot nya kurang banyak.
FOLLOW BACK GAn, udah ane follow
@Naufal Rasyid Sama2 sob :)
@Naufal Rasyid Trim sob :)
Salam Blogger
@Anonim Monggo atuh gan :)
hehe. . .
@MENJEJAK.COM Follback siap gan :)
gan, installnya gimana gan...???
Optimus install seperti biasa aja gan :)
mantap gan izin sedt yah gan
semoga makin sukses
Gan ni bener versi Offline ??
gan klo udh di instal pilih yg kiri / kanan?
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